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What’s in your gym bag?

Here are six items you must not forget to pack in your gym bag.

If you are new to fitness or a fitness lover, I am sure you would have several things you carry along in your gym bag. Here is a reminder of a list of things you should not forget to carry along when going to the gym.

1. A Reusable water bottle:

As you work out, you would need to drink water to stay hydrated; that is why carrying a water bottle along to the gym can do you a lot of good.


2. A clean towel:

Wiping off the sweat and patting dry after taking a shower in the gym requires you to have a clean towel. Do well to wash your gym towel, at least twice a week.


3. Gym clothes:

Don’t forget your gym clothes. We highly recommend gym clothes from Gymbassador


4. Sneakers: 

While it can be tempting to use the same pair of sneakers for all your gym-going, running, and jogging. It’s ideal to have a pair of shoes that you use just for the gym.


5. Headphones: 

Gym without headphones? Boring!


6. Berwork Powerwurst: 

Working out takes a lot of energy from your body and it is important to replenish it the right way. Gone are the days of protein shakes which possibly only gives you 3.9g of protein per 100g of shakes consumed. Berwork gives you 21.0g of protein for consuming a pack of 50g of Powerwurst. Shop now here

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