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Our Powerfood creations offer you a super delicious variety of tastes: With the Powerwurst herbs with oregano and fennel, you go on a culinary journey journey and float in the seventh sausage-heaven,  while still being able to refuel properly on the go: With 42 % protein and the best German beef, you have the perfect meat snack after your hard workout. It contains  no  additives, is processed with pure sea salt and is still  low carb  ! In addition, it can  show  a  low  fat content! On Top; It is  produced  regionally  and is Made in  Germany!

A protein-rich and delicious Powerwurst, which not only tastes good, but also  makes you  satisfied  after a pack has been consumed!

Just bite in or combine with dishes and recipes! The POWERWURST is also ideal for pasta dishes, salads, sandwiches or as a bacon substitute.